
Jesus and Theology

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– Critique of a Tradition

ISBN 800623347
Årstal 1989
Udgave 1
Type Paperback
Stand Som ny.


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Kategori(er): Teologi; Religionsvidenskab
Emne(r): det nye testamente, dogmatik, kristologi
Forfatter(e): Jens Glebe-möller

Jesus and Theology
– Critique of a Tradition

“It is no longer possible to claim … that the Western interpretation of Jesus, which for almost two thousand years has been identical with the theological code, is the only correct or possible one.”

Bold, provocative, illuminating – Jens Glebe-Möller’s “alternative christology” continues his engagement with our post-Christian, secular era. In lively conversation with social theory, American theology, and liberation theologies, Glebe-Möller directly addresses Christians’ estrangement from their own tradition and its founder, Jesus of Nazareth.
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Køb denne bog nu. Billig pris. Køb “Jesus and Theology – Critique of a Tradition”  af  Jens Glebe-möller brugt. (ISBN: 800623347)
Bogen er Teologi; Religionsvidenskab og omhandler blandt andet det nye testamente, dogmatik, kristologi