New Age Religion and Globalization
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– Renner Studies on New Religions vol. 5
ISBN | 8772887923 |
Årstal | 2003 |
Udgave | 2 |
Type | Hæftet |
Stand | Ny. |
Bemærkning |
Kategori(er): Teologi; Religionsvidenskab; Idéhistorie
Emne(r): religionsvidenskab, new age, globalisering
Forfatter(e): Mikael Rothstein
New Age Religion and Globalization
– Renner Studies on New Religions vol. 5
New globalized religions take two forms. Unlike new religions such as Transcendental Meditation, the former Unification Church and The Family, the New Age beliefs discussed in this volume have spread without the beenfit of any organization or unified culture, and their more diffuse nature resists easy categorization. While some of the chapters in this publication consider aspects of the general nature of New Age religion, the remaining chapters are case studies that examine particular New Age beliefs. All chapters, however, address the issue of globalization which makes the present volume the first to put an emphasis on New Age religion and globalization. (Taget fra bagsiden)
Bogen er Teologi; Religionsvidenskab; Idéhistorie og omhandler blandt andet religionsvidenskab, new age, globalisering